Faith Towards God - 1D #LHIC
Our faith towards God justifies us before Him.
Faith Towards God †1C #LHIC
Faith goes beyond the surface.
Don't Despise Your Faith #LHIC
The Shift #LHIC
Embrace the direction in which the Lord is trying to take you.
Stay in Your Place and Space #LHIC
Remain where God wants you to be.
Faith Towards God - 1B #LHIC
It takes faith.
The Overcomer's Mindset #LHIC
In Christ we can always overcome!
Faith Towards God - 1A #LHIC
Relationship with God requires faith and trust.
Repentance from Dead Works 1B #LHIC
Repentance from dead works opens the gateway to a relationship with Christ Jesus.
Gratitude...A Big Deal #LHIC
Always remain thankful
Don't Follow the Law #LHIC
The law is no longer in effect for those in Christ.
Pattern and Maintenance #LHIC